Net increase in exports of vegetables
According to data published by the Federal Bureau of Statistic (FBS), the value of vegetable exports from Pakistan has increased tremendously.
Since the last 8 months, the increase in vegetable exports reached almost 50%. In February 2011, increase of 137.18% compared to February 2010.
During the period July 2010-February 2011, exports of vegetables have increased by 49.42% in value. The tonnage increased from 201,621 tons to 468,767 tons and revenues of U.S. $ 17.52 million to 89.33 million U.S. dollars.
The increase in fruit exports is less spectacular.
+ 1.21% over the same period, with 308,635 tons of fruits that have reported 17.74 million dollars. In February 2011, the increase was of 58.42% compared to February 2010 with 47,700 tons for 2.79 million U.S. dollars.
Pakistan produces over 40 types of fruit and vegetables. Exports could increase further with upgrading production technologies and cold chain infrastructure and storage in the country.
Source: Pakistan Times, News International