Live from Fruit Attraction 2022: The largest international pavilion is France
Wednesday 05 October 2022
In Hall 4 the French pavilion has a total of 124 exhibitors (Photo: twitter/FruitAttraction).
In Hall 4, the 'Taste France' space covers an even larger area than in previous years, becoming the largest international pavilion holding 124 exhibitors.
The French pavilion -Stand 4B01A in Hall 4- has a total of 124 exhibitors. Under the 'Taste France' brand, this presence aims to make French products known to Spanish companies and chefs, thus showing the possible alternatives when Spanish products are not in season. Claiming the complementarity of the French and Spanish ranges and not the replacement of Spanish products.
Taste France, a brand launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, has been dedicated since 2020 to promoting French gastronomy and products beyond borders.