Concrete results and many benefits thanks to UNITEC Cherry Vision technologies
Wednesday 19 February 2020
FJ | Unitec S.p.a.
Gold Anda has installed a 12-channel line equipped with the Cherry Vision 3.0 system (Photo: unitecgroup).
In Chile the cherry campaign is coming to an end. The time for balance sheets has arrived and, at UNITEC, the balance sheet is extremely satisfactory. The Chilean Fruit and Vegetable Powerhouses which have trusted Cherite Vision 2 and Cherry Vision 3.0 technology from UNITEC for the processing of their cherries have obtained great benefits on several fronts.
"Cherry Vision 3.0 has allowed us to significantly reduce the number of people on the line. In addition, it has been able to detect all the flaws in the fruit, which is essential for us who aspire to a qualitative level suitable for a demanding market like that of China "specified Yue Chan, Administrative and Finance Director of Gold Anda, a company with its headquarters in Shenzen, China, and a major operational subsidiary in Curicó, Chile. In the Curicó site, Gold Anda in 2019 installed a 12-channel line equipped with the Cherry Vision 3.0 system. And the results were not delayed.
Thanks to very high resolution cameras, which combine to view 100% of the cherries and detect their organoleptic characteristics with a precision and reliability hardly imaginable with any other type of system, Cherry Vision 3.0 has enabled Gold Anda to obtain Cherries of Consistent Quality over time and, at the same time, achieve a significant saving on labor costs. To penetrate the Chinese market, characterized by the need for very high quality standards, a product is required which has homogeneity inside each package and constant uniformity between one supply and the other: the product resulting from the processing and of the quality classification implemented by the UNITEC team, with its exclusive and unique technologies, is able to provide these results in a reliable and safe manner.
"We have seen how Cherry Vision 3.0 works very well in classifying color, detecting soft fruit or showing damage from bird pecking. It was easy to get a very uniform final package!" A commented Andrés Calvo, Managing Director of the Los Robles Chilean fruit and vegetable plant, which uses a 24-channel UNITEC line equipped with Cherry Vision 3.0 technology.
Cherry Vision 3.0, in fact, classifies fruit very precisely according to a large number of qualitative parameters: exterior quality, softness, defect in shape, in addition to the most classic size and color. The parameters are classified independently of each other and in different combinations, allowing the plant to offer the final consumer quality cherries that meet their tastes and expectations and dividing the fruit according to the requirements of conservation and distribution in the different destination markets.
Ease of use is another advantage of UNITEC technology: "Operators manage to use it very well. Just think that: the person who took care of it had never used this system before and after three days he could handle it perfectly! " Cherry Vision 3.0 is indeed equipped with clear and intuitive interfaces, which allow close monitoring even for those who use it for the first time "underlined Andrés Calvo.
"As an exporter, I can say that we have a much better final packaging than if we worked with other processing lines, with other flaw detectors. We obtain the classification of the fruits exactly in the way we want: we indicate to the line that we want a final packaging characterized by a product of excellent quality, or of lower quality, or as we prefer and the line allows a packaging to be produced exactly like this! "said Hugo Vidal, Managing Director of the Tenofruit fruit and vegetable center, which over the past year has purchased a 6-channel cherry line equipped with Cherry Vision 2 technology.
These statements of satisfaction give new strength to the UNITEC team, which every day, in Chile as in the rest of the world, works to bring concrete results to its customers.