Pineapple land increased by 33%
Rate significantly higher than the global growth recorded for pineapple areas.
Colombia recorded a total of 12,565 hectares planted with pineapples, an increase of 33% over the last 5 years. This increase is remarkable, well above the global growth observed (+11%).
Production increased by 16% and according to figures from the Ministry of Agriculture the exports of fresh pineapple have reached 1,438 tons in 2012. The United States, Belgium and the Netherlands are the main destinations of Colombian pineapple.
Industry professionals met recently at the first Latin American Congress of Pineapple. The objective was according to ASOHOFRUCOL (Hortifrutícola Asociación de Colombia) to analyze the situation, industry challenges, new alternatives of the production, the opportunities in the international market.
source : procomer com