"Fruits From Chile" sponsors "Fresh Produce Ukraine"
During the first conference day, Mr. Mischa FOK , European coordinator of "Fruits from Chile" explained to Ukrainian professional the strengths of Chilean products.
First, Mr. FOK stressed the importance of fruit and vegetables:
- 28% of the agriculture of Chile, or 5 billion U.S. dollar.
- 65% of production is exported, primarily to the USA / Canada, then Europe
Another strong point of Chilean fruits and vegetables: the country's varied climate with the Atacama desert in the north and Antarctica in the south.
A third highlight of Chile: high quality products
The largest volumes are with kiwi, grapes and apples.
Mischa FOK presented some promotion programs developed with supermarket chains like Tesco in Poland, Dansk Supermarked in Denmark and Azbuka vkusa in Russia.
Figures to support these operations have enabled retailers to significantly boost sales. Mr FOK is also ready to explore opportunities for partnerships in Ukraine .
Chilean Fresh Fruit Association is the official sponsor of Fresh Produce Ukraine
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