Turkish- German cooperation on an ecological project for seedless grapes
The Ecological Agriculture Association of Izmir organized the event at the Manisa Vineyards Research Station for a seminar on organic grapes without seeds. Many associations, including the Union of Exporters Aegeans and Manisa Chamber of Commerce, attended the meeting, which aims to identify the needs of this sector and farmers in Manisa, which produce 94% of grapes without seed from Turkey and want to move towards environmentally friendly production.
In 2013, environmental friendly vineyards stretched over about 22,500 hectares. The grapes produced are mostly exported. In 2014, 53 different products were grown on some 139,000 hectares. Through Zafer Development Agency, new projects, together with Germany, will emerge in 2015 and have already begun with particular educational programs for farmers in organic production.
Source : GençTarim