The N°1 of hypermarkets in China wants to accelerate its development
The Chinese group Sun Art Retail, equally owned by Auchan and Ruentex in Taiwan, is the No. 1 of hypermarkets in China and wants to accelerate its development by introducing a part of its capital on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (see our news from May 31st 2011).
Sun Art Retail Group Ltd has 196 hypermarkets in 21 Chinese provinces; 135 of its stores are leased, including 16 under the brand Auchan and 119 under RT Mart. For the 49 stores owned by Sun Art Retail, 25 are for Auchan and 24 for RT-Mart. The rest are affiliated stores to RT Mart. Its turnover of 56.2 billion Yuan made him the number 1 in the ranking in China .
While half of China's population lives in cities of less than 500,000 inhabitants, foreign distributors have targeted major cities.
Sun Art Retail has developed its stores in smaller towns and is planning to accelerate its expansion by opening 50 hypermarkets by the end of 2012.
Source: Les Echos