MACFRUT 2019: new presentations on all continents and especially in Africa
Thursday 10 January 2019
MACFRUT multiplies its presentations in various countries especially in Africa, which has been chosen as Partner of the 2019 edition.
A dozen official presentations have already been made and other initiatives are planned in the coming weeks. After the success achieved in recent editions, the MACFRUT 2019 show reinforces the promotional campaign. The activity started last autumn, with several missions in Peru, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Vietnam, Mozambique, Zambia, Angola and Serbia, while Cesena Fiera, organizer of MACFRUT, welcomed an Ethiopian delegation. The next meetings are scheduled in Morocco on January 24 and in Ukraine on January 31.
It is no coincidence that most of the presentations were organized in Africa: in fact, it will be sub-Saharan Africa, the international partner of MACFRUT 2019.
The positive results already achieved in these countries are numerous: in Luanda, capital of Angola, there were more than 200 operators of the Fruits & Vegetables sector, in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, the strengthening of the agricultural sector is a priority for economic and social development. In Zambia, the Minister of Agriculture confirmed the great interest of his country in the participation in Macfrut 2019.
"The Fruits & Vegetables sector, like other sectors, is in a highly competitive phase," comments Renzo Piraccini, President of Cesena Fiera. "We realize that for 2019 we made a brave choice when we chose the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa as partners. However, we are convinced that the role of a world-class fair like MACFRUT is precisely that, looking towards the future, anticipating new developments and discovering new potentials. We will continue with determination our presentation activity MACFRUT 2019, which today more than ever is emerging as a special edition increasingly rich in new content.