Macfrut 2011 Oscars presented
Innovation Oscars formally given at Macfrut 2011 to Best Sorting B.V., Polymer Logistics Italy, Isi Sementi, Tectronik and Sorma Group.
For the second year, the innovation Macfrut Oscar has been an award created to highlight the achievements - developed in the fruit & veg sector - standing out for innovative content, and already being marketed.
For the category "Machines and technologies for packaging and sorting", Genius by Best Sorting B.V., an optical sorter with camera and laser detecting discoloration, defects, foreign bodies in products, was awarded the prize. For "Packaging and packaging materials", Dynamic Shipper by Polymer Logistics Italy won the prize. It's a container on wheels, with lift up automatically rising and lowering, according to the product weight, so that the product (potatoes, water-melons, etc.) is always visible and handy. The fresh market Tomato ISI 69236 by Isi Sementi was awarded for the class "Seeds and fresh fruit and vegetables", for retrieving a traditional variety with new market requirements. The "Logistics and services" award was given to Senzytec2 by Tectronik, a measuring instrument with technology based on enzyme biosensors, allowing the user to carry out tests at a low cost, in a short time, directly on site. This year, the "general" award based upon the preferences of visitors and exhibitors was given to Sorma Group, for a packaging machine wrapping punnets in a plastic cover with netting, designed for 3 different types of packaging, and for a universal weighing maching for delicate and ripe fruit.