Good year for asparagus exports
Wednesday 26 June 2013
Prices remain at a good level for asparagus exports, entrained by strong demand of the United States.
The price of Peruvian asparagus is maintained at a high level.
Entrained by strong demand from the United States, the price of asparagus for export, depending on the quality of the product is approximately $ 3 per kilo (in the case of fresh asparagus). Last year the price has increased by 30% and will continue this year according to professionals.
This growth of U.S. demand is consecutive to the new health policy. Consumption of healthy foods, fruits and vegetables in particular, is favored in all schools that receive government subsidies.
While some predicted the entry in a period of decline for asparagus (low prices, declining production, old plantations), the current situation contradicts these alarms.
source : la republica pe