The farm's future is 100 times more productive
The farm "indoor" developed by the Japanese botanist Shigeharu Shimamura , is stunningly effective : it produces 10,000 heads of lettuce a day!
After the disaster of March 11 (earthquake, tsunami , Fukushima ) , the Japanese government has awarded grants to stimulate the development of the Miyagi Prefecture ( Sendai ) . The botanist Shigeharu Shimamura took over a vacant factory and developed plans for a " vertical farm ".
Mirai (which means " future" in Japanese) is an indoor farm. Its area is 25 000 S. F. ( 2322 m2) uses 17,500 LED lamps. Measurements and accurate control of the temperature , humidity , light , allow production per square meter to 100 times higher than a conventional farm. Higher production but also high energy savings ( 40% ) and water (-99 %) compared to traditional methods.
Mirai has reproduced this process at 12 sites in Japan and plans to expand it to large cities where the surface is limited , such as Hong Kong. A site in Russia is also expected after the success of two small farms in Mongolia where the climate is not really conducive to vegetable crops .
source :,,