Thanks to the medFEL 2018, be ready to take the turn of the agriculture of tomorrow!
Monday 16 April 2018
MedFEL 2018 will offer a rich and varied program of debates and conferences.
Debates with strong themes to shed light on the challenges of the sectors, innovative solutions and creative added value to discover. MedFEL 2018 will be the event gathering the innovations of the Fruits & Vegetables sector.
Debates by medFEL, more than a dozen debates are scheduled from April 24th to 26th. Notably, Wednesday, April 25th at 11:30 "The Blockchain: the answer to the challenges of traceability and transparency of the industry" with the participation of Bastien PINO, leader of the IBM Blockchain.
Challenge fel'innov by medFEL: to discover 8 innovative and value-added solutions for the whole Fruit & Vegetables sector. Each candidate has 5 minutes to convince. An original and striking format where the public chooses the most innovative solution
Wednesday, April 25th from 9:45 am to 11:15 am: "Packaging innovation to the consumer" Innovations Packaging, New modes of consumption, New forms of transformation, New circuits / distribution models ...
Thursday, April 26 from 9:45 to 11:15: "Innovation of the plot at the station" Production: management tools, steering etc .; Conditioning stations: sorting; calibration, etc .; Supply chain: management tools, traceability, etc .; Conservation.