Impressive funds are invested permanently on new equipments, development of waste solutions production, achieving new fruits and vegetables taste characteristics or improving shelf life period. How to make the world aware of your invention?
More than $500 billion a year is spent on advertising worldwide. In a more than ever dynamic sector, staying on top of what’s happening in the industry is the best way to keep up with your competitors.
The important point to consider is: “What came first: the egg or the chicken” or in our context “Should investment be made in advertising first or wait to generate income before promoting innovation?” The answer is: There can’t ever be too much advertising!
It is the same process as the growth of a simple crop. You could put a plant into the soil, just add water and wait when the harvest comes. However, in order to have a successful harvest, you must fertilize, process the surrounded ground, fight against insect and pests etc...
It is exactly the same with your business! An effective growth process of a “crop” could not be realized without promotion. To tell the world about your invention and special product you should “fertilize” your business. When the harvest starts or new equipment is launched the targeted customers should already be aware on this occasion and your “soil” should already be fertilized.
Thanks to the biggest database with 145,348 fruits and vegetables’ professionals all over the world FRUCTIDOR.COM fertilizes businesses in the fresh fruits and vegetables industry. Depending on what your “crop” needs we provide various solutions.
Contact the Fructidor team to find appropriate solution to fertilize your business, send inquiry to
More information about print and digital promotional possibilities with FRUCTIDOR.COM will be found in the next newsletter.
Mr Leonard Felix, President, Felix Instruments Inc – USA
“ has been a good ally since we began working in the fresh produce industry.”
Mrs Kateryna TSYTSYK