2001' AGF-Totaal show
Friday 28 September 2001
The 2001' AGF-Totaal show was held in Rotterdam from September 17th to 19th. This year, the opening hours have been adjusted to allow exporters and importers - exhibitors being at their office in the morning and meeting their customers during the afternoon, on the show. There were quite many people, notably on the Fructidor's International Meeting Point. Visitors were in majority Dutch ones, but there was also a lot of buyers from Eastern Europe, and in particular from Russia. Indeed, according to experts, further to the market adjustment three to four years ago, many countries turn towards Russia and even some of them invested in logistic solutions (warehouses). Exporters from Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa or Pakistan came to attend this fruit & vegetables show. Contrary to years before, Fructidor has noted an important offer in Central and South American products with the presence of a Mexican delegation. All this shows well the interest of Europe as a market to conquer. Both first days, in the morning, was held an international conference, with e-commerce specialists... As a media partner, Fructidor International - the guide for fruit & vegetables - hold the International Meeting Point, which gave visitors (exhibitors or not) the possibility to meet and work in favourable conditions.