Launching of Tabuenca School and solidarity initiative
The company Tabuenca unveiled at Fruit Attraction its new product intended for children: Tabuenca School.
Tabuenca School is a bag of little carrots, colorful and tasty. Tabuenca School targets children between 3 and 9 years, and makes it possible to offer them a healthy snacking for break or collation. A workbook for the little ones present various activities and makes discover the properties of vegetables for a healthy diet.
In a country where 1child from 4 is overweight, Tabuenca School can contribute to change bad dietary habits based on fatty and sweet industrial products.
In addition, Tabuenca took the initiative of a solidarity campaign on Facebok to give 25,000 pounds of vegetables to the poorest. The operation ('Hacerte fan de Tabuenca, ¡alimenta!') Is open until 1 December. Each "like" registered will allow to give one pound of vegetables to the Food Bank.
source : tabuenca