Imports of F&V increased in volume (+ 33.5%) and in value (+ 23.4%)
Thursday 23 May 2019
In the first quarter of 2019 Greece imported 163,546 tonnes of vegetables and 80,694 tonnes of fruit.
According to ELSTAT data processed by Incofruit-Hellas, the association of exporters and producers of fruit and vegetables and fruit juices Greek imports of fruits and vegetables increased by 33.5% in volume and 23.4% in value in the first quarter of 2019 compared to the same period last year.
Imports for the January to March 2019 period totaled 244,240 tonnes and valued at €181.75 million.
For vegetables, the imported volume is 163,546 tonnes and the value is €102 million. Imports of potatoes increased by 55.1% in volume and by 129.5% in value compared to the 1st quarter of 2018. Imports of tomatoes rose by 114% in volume and 78.5% in value. .
For fruits, the volume of imports reached 80 694 tonnes for the first quarter of 2019 compared with 79 954 tonnes for the first quarter last year, ie + 0.9%. The value of these imported fruits is down by -10.2%.
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