Objectives: increase production and increase pineapple exports
Wednesday 14 November 2018
The Dominican Republic plans to increase its exports, including new destinations such as China (Photo: APROPIC-Asociación de Productores de Piña de Cevicos).
Identified as one of the agricultural products with high potential, pineapple, which has already recorded strong growth in the Dominican Republic in recent years, will benefit from new measures to promote production and export.
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic has unveiled various measures to develop the pineapple sector. The goal is to increase the production and export of this fruit. These measures include technical assistance to production, credit facilities, logistics support, construction and improvement of collection centers, as well as strengthening the position in international markets and the search for new destinations.
According to the ministry, pineapple exports totaled $ 4.353 million in revenue last year. The measures announced will increase this amount because pineapple is a highly demanded product and the country has the potential to boost its production and exports.
The importation of the MD-2 variety from Costa Rica in the Dominican Republic in 2012 gave real momentum to the pineapple sector. Production has more than doubled in a few years.
source : hoy.com.do, diariolibre.com, competitividad.org.do