Export to China grew by more than 77% in value
Tuesday 02 March 2021
Thailand exported fresh durians to China, the value of which increased by + 77.57% compared to the volumes exported in 2019 (Photo: thairichfruits.com).
Strong growth for the total value of Thai fruit exports to China and exceptional growth for durian exports, which posted + 77.57%.
According to PRD (Thai Government Public Relations Department) fruit exports to China in 2020 reached 2.9 billion USD, an increase of + 39.43% compared to the previous year. For this year 2020, the performance was exceptional for exports to China of fresh durian which totaled 1.51 billion USD, an increase of + 77.57% compared to the previous year.
China is Thailand's largest fresh durian export market. China and ASEAN zone countries account for 98% of Thailand's fresh durian exports.
For China, it is estimated that over 90% of the fresh durian on the market is imported from Thailand. Since 2019, imported durian has overtaken cherries as the most popular imported fruit among Chinese consumers. The ranking of imported fruits in order of value for 2020 were fresh durians, cherries, bananas, mangosteen, fresh grapes, dragon fruit, longans, kiwis and oranges.
source : globaltimes.cn