Promotion of broccoli on the markets and social networks
Promotion of broccoli will develop in 10,000 points of sale and on social networks.
The Association for the consumption of broccoli (+ Broccoli) has launched its campaign entitled "Piensa en ti, + rico, + sano, + fácil" to promote and disseminate the virtues and benefits of this vegetable.
Tasting of broccoli on the markets of Valencia and Madrid, but also animations in 10,000 points of sale throughout Spain, in the majority of retail chains (Ahorramás, Alcampo, Aldi, Caprabo, Carrefour, Casa Ametler, Condis, Consum, Coviran, Día, Dinosol El Árbol, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, Hnos Martín, Lidl, MasyMas, Mercadona, Miquel Alimentació, Sa2pe, Sabeco, Sorli Discau, Upper).
The campaign is amplified by the presence on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+) where sharing of recipes and tips will make users aware.
source : mas brocoli com, financial food es