Pears costs are quite low in Ukraine
According to the latest data prices for pears are mainly 15% - 20% lower comparing to the previous year’s figures in Ukraine. Only slight difference could be observed within fruit-vegetables markets in different parts of the country. In South Ukraine fruit markets local pears are available at 9 UAH (0,9 EURO) / kg. These numbers are 20% lower than last October prices for this kind of fruits. In Kiev wholesale fruit-vegetables market pears are sold at 13 UAH (1,3 EURO) / kg. While in Lvov market pears could be bought at 5 UAH (0,5 EURO) /kg, these figures are 15% higher comparing to the last year’s numbers. Prices for pears in Crimea remain on the same level – 16 UAH (1,6 EURO) / kg.