Citrus fruit price has fallen by 50% in 20 years!
Tuesday 16 November 2010
In 20 years, the price of clementines and oranges has dropped 50% while production costs increased by 19% and 38%.
Over the past 2 decades, clementines and oranges prices fell by 50% while production costs increased by 19 and 38% respectively.
A study by the Department of Agricultural Economics IVIA, published by AVA-ASAJA, production costs have increased, while producer prices fell by half.
Several reasons explain this paradox: an inability to negotiate with a demand for more and more concentrated, excessive dependence on the EU market and price competition driven by EU agreements with third countries.
In 20 years, exports have increased from 1.5 million tons to over 3.1. The quota for the European Union is 84.5% for mandarins and 49% for oranges.
Source : abc