Positive results of Argentine cherry export season
In Argentina, the last cherry export campaign faced 3 major challenges: logistical, commercial and climatological, derived from environmental problems and consequences of the pandemic.
Despite these circumstances, the Argentine cherry season was positive and had a diversified supply. The exportable volume increased by 8.5% compared to the previous season.
Regarding logistical problems, it faced the decrease in commercial air cargo flights, and warehouse space capacity, along with the suspension of operations of several airlines. The realization of charter flights was the only solution for this question.
In relation to environmental challenges, the Chubut and Santa Cruz provinces were affected by strong frosts in the flowering periods. This led to a drop in its exportable production of 21.47% and 24.4% respectively, compared to the previous season.
In the last 2 years, China has positioned itself as the main market for Argentine cherries, at the same time, Argentina ranks second after Chile, as an exporter from the southern hemisphere to China.
Regarding trade problems, the dissemination on social networks and the Chinese media about possible COVID-19 infections in Chilean cherries brought uncertainty regarding the purchase and consumption of imported cherries by Chinese consumers.
The question is whether Argentine cherries will maintain the trend of concentrating the bulk of their supply on the Chinese market.
The main recipients of the Argentine cherry in 2021 were China and Hong Kong with 41% of the total export volume, followed by the US and Canada (31%), while Europe and the UK 19%. The rest is exported to the Middle East (5%), other Asian destinations (2%), and South America (2%). Compared to the previous season, the volume exported to China and Hong Kong increased by 15.5%, the US and Canada increased by 9%, Europe and the United Kingdom by 3.83%.
The recognition of the Pest Free Area had a positive impact on this increase, without the need for cold treatments, allowing air deliveries.
source: rionegro
photo: bichosdecampo