How Leaf Spectroscopy helps growers of leafy greens and berries
In the beginning of October, CID Bio-Science has officially launched the new SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer during their last webinar, in which the company have explained methods of use of leaf spectroscopy in commercial agriculture - for leafy greens and berries.
At the webinar Dr. Gerardo Nunez (University of Florida) has shown his work in using spectroscopy in commercial blueberry production, and Galen George, the Application Scientist (CID Bio-Science) has presented his process for developing a commodity-specific moisture content model for spinach.
Due to a lot of requests, the company decided to share the webinar “Why Commercial Agriculture Should Pay Attention to Leaf Spectroscopy in 2021”.
To watch the webinar go to the link.
More information about the company, on the CID Bio-Science website
Felix Instruments is a subsidiary of CID Bio-Science, Inc. focusing on pre- and postharvest applications helps fresh market professionals maximize the value of their products with the company's line of portable Gas Analyzers and NIR Produce Quality Meters.
Full information about Felix Instruments’ products can be found on their website.