Tucumán is the leading region for the production of lemons at national and international level
Wednesday 26 June 2019
Argentina produces 65% of the total lemons in the southern hemisphere and the Tucumán region concentrates 80% of the national production (Photo: citrusvil.clarin.com).
In Argentina fresh fruit exports account for only 4% of the country's total exports, of which 33% comes from fresh lemons.
Over the past decade, global lemon production has increased by 6.9%, from 16.1 million tonnes in 2007 to 17.2 million tonnes in 2017. Argentina produced 65% of lemons' total from the southern hemisphere and about 20% of the world total with an average production of 1.3 million tonnes. Of this total, about 1 million tonnes are for the production of essential oils, concentrated juices and zests, while the remaining 300 000 tonnes are exported as fresh fruit.
The region of Tucumán, with 50,000 hectares of orchards, concentrates 80% of the national production of lemons. The country industrializes 77% of the harvest and exports 18% of its fresh products. It is the world's leading lemon processor and the largest exporter of concentrated juice, pulp, essential oil and dehydrated peel.
While Argentina generates only 0.4% of world exports, a report by the Fundación Mediterránea indicates that, for the period 2010/16, its exports of fresh lemon accounted for 8.6% of world sales, lemon 20.6% and lemon oil 38.7% for the same period.
This year, due to rains and strikes, the harvest window has been shortened and the industrial facilities are not able to process the fruits; the loss is estimated at 150 000 tonnes.
source : contextotucuman.com