Honduras performs satellite monitoring project to prevent banana diseases
The National Service for Agrifood Health and Safety (SENASA) of Honduras, attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG), participated in the implementation of a pilot project for phytosanitary satellite surveillance, in order to stimulate the banana sector of Honduras.
The project is aimed at all banana pests, including the fungus Fusarium Oxysporum Cubense (Foc R4T), which is the main threat to plantations.
Javier Velásquez, Plant Health Officer of the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (ORISA), commented that the presence and involvement of the production sector and the Government in this initiative is very important and highlighted that these activities are also carried out in Guatemala and Belize.
The training for the detection of musaceae wilt is intended for producers to learn how to detect Foc R4T and know the correct process for taking samples, which will later be sent to the laboratory. The instructions were carried out in two farms in the municipality of San Manuel, Cortés department.
The activity was coordinated by OIRSA, and the Technical Mission of Taiwan, and included training and practice in the field where satellite monitoring points were established, utilizing Taiwan's innovative technology.
source: latribuna.hn