Increase of organic agriculture
In 10 years, the area cultivated in organic farming has been multiplied by 3.5 at the world level, number of organic producers by 9 and turnover by 10.
According to data from "The World of Organic Agriculture”, which provides data and information on organic farming of 160 countries worldwide, 1.8 million farms (+ 31% compared to 2008) cultivated 37.5 million organic hectares (6%) at the end of 2009.
- In Europe, organic surfaces grown by 223 000 farms have reached 9.2 million hectares in 2009, which represents 5% of the agricultural area.
- Latin America: 283 000 farms on 8.5 million hectares.
- Oceania, especially in Australia 8466 farms cultivate 12 million hectares.
- Asia: 766 000 organic farms (42% of organic farms in the world) grow 3.9 million hectares.
- Africa: 511 000 farms cultivate 1 million acres.
- North America: 17 000 farms cultivating 2.6 million hectares.
The worldwide turnover of organic products reached $ 54.9 billion or 40 billion euros for 2009.
source : agri, campagne environnement, actu environnement