Melavì presents sugar-free snacking apples
Lately Melavì, an Italian producer of fresh apples, snacks, juices, and jams, showcased to Fructidor its healthy snacking apples and explained the difference between types of packaging and the way they influence the shelf life.
According to Gianluca Macchi, director at Melavì, the goal for the near future is to promote snacking dehydrated apple slices, which are especially popular among children. This is a sugar-free, healthy snack, an ideal good for vending machines.
“We want to promote the product in different places: in the airports, cruise boats, gas stations, auto-grills. We supply Italy, Switzerland, Russia, and Spain. Last year we also exported to England, sometimes we exported to Arabe Emirates. In regards to packaging, this year we completely changed it. We used protective film to increase the shelf life. In order to reduce the humidity inside the pack we started adding natural flavours: cinnamon, ginger, pepper”, explains Macchi.
Few years ago, Melavì launched the Rockit apple brand, which was a new concept for Italy.
Rockit apples are packed in a plastic tube which helps to maintain the fruit fresh for longer and matches the size of Rockit apples. According to Macchi, although the market now is much more eco-friendly and prefers cartons, the problem is that cartons dehydrate the fruit quickly.
In terms of this year’s crop, the director stresses that the quality and size are very good. There have been temperature changes during the day and night which benefited brix levels and sugar content. The fruit will be available until May-June. “We are very happy with production this season”, stresses Macchi.
For more information about Melavì, see the website