Status of greenhouse crops in Andalusia at week 19
Friday 17 May 2024
The phenological state of greenhouse crops in Andalusia for the week of 6-12 May was recently presented by the Agricultural and Fisheries Information of the Andalusian Regional Government, with a special focus on the regions of Almeria and Huelva (photo:
The phenological state of greenhouse crops in Andalusia for the week of 6 to 12 May was recently presented by the Agricultural and Fisheries Information of the Andalusian Regional Government, with a special focus on the regions of Almeria and Huelva.
Short-cycle tomato greenhouses are reaching peak production, with healthy vegetative growth and high quality fruit. Pepper harvests are coming to an end, with preparations underway for new plantings and active crops showing minimal pest and disease problems. Watermelon, meanwhile, is at an advanced stage of harvesting, offering excellent quality fruit and yields consistent with previous seasons. Demand for watermelon continues to increase and prices remain stable. In addition, the harvesting of different types of melons continues with good vegetative development and few incidences of pests. Aubergine, cucumber and courgette crops are also in full harvest, producing good quality fruit, although with some pests that are being effectively controlled by auxiliary fauna.
The fresh strawberry season is coming to an end, with reduced availability of fruit and shipments mainly oriented towards industry, reflecting a year of lower than usual production. Raspberry plantings are entering a new phase, with fruit prices rising. Nitrogen and potash-rich fertilisers are being used to encourage fruit fattening. Blueberry yields are increasing, with new areas starting production. Varieties such as Katie Blue are showing promise at the start of production. In addition, blackberry picking continues, with varieties such as Loch Ness and Victoria being highlighted, the latter being prized for its long shelf life, a vital attribute for soft fruit crops in general.