Europeans favor local products
Monday 18 February 2019
Europeans are turning more and more to more local consumption, considered more responsible.
The Cetelem Observatory / BNP-Paribas Group, which has been analyzing household consumption patterns in Europe for more than 30 years, has just published its latest study of 13,800 consumers in 17 European countries.
This study entitled "Think local, act local" was carried out from November 27 to December 10, 2018. The great trend that this study highlights is the plebiscite of Europeans for a more local consumption considered more responsible.
The perception of local products is extremely positive among Europeans. Local products are appreciated by a very large majority (89%) and recognized for their quality (84%).
While for some sectors studied (clothing, techonological products, hygiene products ..) the prevailing purchasing criteria are price and quality. For food, the criteria of quality and taste are more determinant in the choices than the price criterion.
For 77% of European consumers, labels are reliable markers that guarantee the quality and traceability of products. Labels prove to be effective in the act of consuming since 66% of respondents believe that they influence them in their choice. 71% of consumers wish these labels to be more numerous in the future.
Full study (35 pages)