Australia joins forces in the Chinese market
Monday 18 June 2018
Australia has established an inter-professional partnership to present its products and strengthen its position in the Chinese market.
Australian inter-professional partnership (fruits & vegetables, meats, wines, dairy products) which aims to further develop the trade of agricultural products with the main export client: China.
With the cooperation of AUSTRADE, the organizations DAIRY AUSTRALIA, MEAT & LIVESTOCK AUSTRALIA, HORTICULTURE INNOVATION AUSTRALIA, WINE AUSTRALIA unite for Premium Australian Food and Wine Collaboration. A seminar on food and wine in Shanghai, presenting to Chinese food industry figures the products of Australian agriculture.
"Australia is already positioning itself on the Premium fresh produce market in China and, by bringing together the red meat, dairy, wine and horticulture sectors, we can consolidate this position and highlight the strengths. of Australian agriculture "commented the National Farmers Federation
Each year, exports of these agricultural sectors to China contribute 6.5 billion AUD (4.47 billion USD) to the Australian economy. Horticultural products representing 663.8 million AUD (493 million USD).
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