Murcia, the main melon exporting region in Spain
Friday 24 March 2023
Murcia is the main exporting region of melons in Spain and constitutes half of national shipments, according to the Minister of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Antonio Luengo.(
Murcia is the main exporting region of melons in Spain and constitutes half of national shipments, according to the Minister of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Antonio Luengo.
97% of the surface of the fruit is outdoors, and 3% under greenhouse. The most cultivated varieties of the region are Cantalupo, Galia, Piel de Sapo and yellow. The smooth-skinned melon group occupies 55% of the surface.
Murcian melon exports last season exceeded 143.2 million euros and 169,000 tons. The main destinations were Germany, with some 49,000 tons received; France, with almost 42,000 tons; and the Netherlands, with approximately 31,000 tons.
The cultivated area was just over 4,600 hectares in 2022 and generated production of some 172,000 tons.