Global food prices will double in 20 years
All countries
Tuesday 18 September 2012
limate change, slow but inevitable, will disrupt world agricultural production and influence food prices.
A doubling of global food prices by 2030 is expected due to the underestimation of climate change.
The United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) announced that global food prices had risen by 6% in July. An Oxfam report, entitled "The Earth is warming, soaring prices," predicts a surge in prices in 20 years.
The study shows that the impact of natural disasters is underestimated. Climate change is already damaging
agricultural production worldwide. The change is slow but inevitable with temperatures rise, rainfall falters, extreme weather events are more frequent and more intense.
As a result: prices will explode: wheat prices could increase by 120%, rice by 107%, corn by 177%, according to the study. These increases could be even more larger: if extreme drought affected North America: the price of corn increase by an additional 150%.
As a result: prices will explode: wheat prices could increase by 120%, rice by 107%, corn by 177%, according to the study. These increases could be even more larger: if extreme drought affected North America: the price of corn increase by an additional 150%.
source : le figaro, marches tropicaux mediterraneens