New requirements for tomatoes entering Canada
Tuesday 02 March 2010
The CFIA demands new requirements for tomatoes coming from 26 countries.
Since few days, tomatoes entering Canada from countries where tomatoe leafminer is known to occur will have to meet new interim requirements developed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
The CFIA has determined that tomato leafminer is a damaging pest that is rapidly spreading in several countries. As a result, tomato leafminer is now a regulated pest for Canada. That’s why, they decided to take new measures in order to mitigate the risk of this pest becoming established in Canada.
These requirements include a phytosanitary certificate with a declaration that the tomatoes:
- originated from an area free of the pest in the country where tomato leafminer is known to occur
- were inspected and found free tomato leafminer
Shipments not meeting this requirement will be refused entry to Canada.
These requirement currently apply to greenhouse and fields tomatoes from the following countries : Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Greece, Kuwait, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, the Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).