Development of Pakistani Citrus Sector
Tuesday 10 April 2007
Citrus is one of the major fruit crops of Pakistan. Pakistan is currently an important global producer and increasingly, an exporter. In 2006, the total citrus production exceeded 177,000 tons with 95% produced in the Punjab, 1.6% in Sindh and 2.2% in North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Most of the citrus production in Pakistan (80%) is reliant on a mandarin type, cv. Kinnow dominates production, together with another cultivar, Feutrell. Pakistan is the largest producer of Kinnow, generating 95% of the world Kinnow production. However, in general 35% of the total produce is lost during pre and post harvest stages due to poor disease management, weather extremes, harvest delays, poor harvesting practices, poor road conditions and cold storage facilities and over supply of the product in some years.