A digital tool to monitor vine phenological development evolution
Friday 22 December 2023
The Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) announced the creation of a digital tool to evaluate the evolution of the phenological development of the vine (photo: bichosdecampo.com).
The Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) announced the creation of a digital tool to evaluate the evolution of the phenological development of the vine. This tool, called 'Fenovid', has been implemented as a mobile application available free of charge for Android and Apple devices. The initiative aims to improve phenological models in table grapes and wine grapes.
Funded by the Regional Government of the O'Higgins Region through the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (FIA), the project has developed this application to inform growers about the evolution of the phenological development of their vineyards. Viticulture depends to a large extent on knowing and predicting the different phenological stages of the vine throughout its growth cycle.
The Fenovid application is part of the project "Interactive phenological forecasting as a new process to support sustainable and timely agronomic management of grapevines". With this technology, farmers will be able to make informed decisions about adjusting the timing of agronomic management of their vineyards at the farm scale, considering the importance of carrying out each action on time so as not to affect yields or increase the vulnerability of agricultural production systems.
The application provides estimates of the development of the key phenological stages for grapevine cultivation in the O'Higgins Region in the coming weeks. Traditionally, monitoring these stages required exhaustive manual work by grape growers. The Fenovid application seeks to simplify this process and offer recommendations to optimize agronomic management, allowing growers to face future challenges and maximize the potential of their crops.
The Fenovid app is now available for free download on Android and Apple devices.
fuente: simfruit.cl