FEPEX with GLOBALG.A.P. to counter false information on the Spanish exporting sector
Wednesday 11 July 2018
FEPEX wants to give more visibility to the best practices certified by GlobalG.A.P. and to reinforce, among consumers and distribution, a confidence shaken by misinformation campaigns.
FEPEX met GLOBALG.A.P in order to give a common and effective answer to the negative and false information on the Spanish sector, production and export of Fruits & Vegetables, which cause serious damage to its reputation.
FEPEX and GLOBALG.A.P. share a common vision on the need to give visibility to the certification of the standards of good agricultural, social and environmental practices that the Spanish sector applies as a whole.
Among the agreed measures: first, involve national and Community authorities in defending the single market and the image of productions, with measures to combat false news. Then, highlight the certifications of good agricultural and social practices developed by GLOBALG.A.P., of which FEPEX is a partner, which guarantee the respect of the standards in the agricultural, social and environmental domains.
Then, to effectively convey to the public opinion of the main countries of Spanish exports' destination the strict socio-professional and environmental regulations existing in Spain, as well as its system of inspections and sanctions.
Finally, set up a permanent dialogue and forum exchange with the main European distribution companies, mainly German. The first meeting is already scheduled for September.
source : fepex