Peru and Chile's blueberry aiming China
In Peru, the prospects for the current season are very good. This year it is expected to reach a record export figure, around 580 million dollars, an increase of 60% compared to last year, according to the sector association.
The target had been set to export 75,600 tons, an increase of 56% compared to the 2017/2018 season. Last year, the United States was the largest buyer with 48% of export volume. Other important markets were the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, China and Hong Kong.
On the other hand, Chile closed last season with a record volume of exports, with a total of 110,000 tons; obtaining its leadership position. Chilean sector continues to invest in this crop to ensure the production of quality blueberries.
As far as exports are concerned, Maule is the most important region, with 37% of the volume. In the 2017/2018 campaign, exports from this region amounted to 37,022 tons. Of these, 60% was sent to the United States; 23.7% to Europe; 13.1%, to Asia, and 3.9%, to Canada.
Chilean borders are also open to imports from neighboring Peru, for which phytosanitary requirements have been signed. Chilean inspectors are visiting the Peruvian packing plants to see if the companies meet these requirements.