Body&Brains label as sales booster for Retail with focus on eating and snacking more healthy (with premium fresh soft fruits)
The Growers Packers company was present at several exhibitions on 4 continents. Since beginning September they were in Hong Kong, Moscow, Rimini, Madrid, Amsterdam, Orlando, Santiago and New York in order to introduce its brand/concept associated with eating and snacking more healthy.
The company provides premium quality soft fruits such as blueberries ( all year) and cherries ( from May to August).
As stated Mr Jacques Luteijn, owner of the company:
"We would like to make people eating and snacking more healthy during the day. Everybody knows that eating fruit is important, but it’s easy to forget it as well.
In USA not even 1% of young generations are eating enough fruit. This rate is about 20% in Europe. It is still too low."
With our enticing logo, we are triggering the consumer and helping them to remember that they should eat and snack fruit (and veg) today, in fact right now.
When mentioning the Body&Brains label, the consumer is understanding in a few seconds, that’s it important to eat more fruit. Of course we are focusing on the berries because their high antioxidants, but the consumer will remember also national slogans like ‘the 5 a day keeps the doctor away’ at the same moment.
On our website we are informing the consumer about the possible health benefits of the different berries, all based on scientific research.
Blueberries for example, are helping for a quicker recovery after physical efforts.
Every fruit has its own specific benefits and help one's physical and mental resistance.
The consumer can also find easy-recipes and information about origin of the purchased fruits.
The fruit will be packed in our eye-catching skirt-packaging. This patented skirt-pack is not only eye-catching on the shelves of the retailer, it’s also easy to open for elderly people and children. Besides that, it’s resealable and therefore very functional as an easy2work and easy2school pack.
Jacques Luteijn goes on:
Every retailer that put this A-Brand on their shelves, will not only generate a strong increase in their berry sales, also it will increase sales of many other fruits and vegetables.
Supermarkets need to get this A-Brand."
To wake up customers' consciousness, GROWERS PACKERS has developed a strong brand that stimulates significant customers sales at the retailer. And last but not least, with body&brains on the shelves, the retailer is contributing to the consumer eating and snacking more healthy.
Jacques Luteijn, owner
Tel +31 88 888 57 88
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