EU, green light to free fruits in schools
All countries
Tuesday 24 March 2009
The European School Fruit Scheme, that provides for a free distribution of fruits in the schools, has been finally launched with a funding of 90 million euros.
In Italy the scheme can benefit of 16.3 million, of which 9.5 will come from European funds and the remaining 6.8 million from national funds.
The scheme obtained the green light from the Single CMO Management Committee for the fruit and vegetables segment, that also granted the Italian requests to finance advertising panels for fruit in the schools as well as to employ fruit dispenser machines in leasing.
“Such new resources will help put into effect the scheme from the next academic year, thus providing immediate benefits in terms of health and education for children, and ensuring in the meanwhile an adequate support to the whole fruit and vegetables sector” commented Italian minister for Agricuture Luca Zaia.