Buah terap - exotic fruit from Malaysia
Monday 12 March 2007
The huge trees that grow in Borneo Highlands in southern Malaysia have over 3 stories high and there is hard to reach fruits up on the tree. The tree would only fruit once a year and not every year. So it's a rare treat when the fruits are in season which must also be plucked while still on the tree as by the time it fully ripens, the fruits would fall and get smashed on the ground as the outer shell would be soft and not protective. It is not readily available in the market and are sold quite expensively; assuming that you can even find them.
One must wait for a couple of days for the fruits to ripen fully before eating. The fruit gives off a nice distinctive fragrance and opens easily then. The fruits buah Terap tastes a bit like a durian but more delicate, aromatic and sweeter.