First 5 months of export : positive results overall .
This is what emerges from the official statistics published by the Mediterranean Exporters Union, national coordinator for Turkish Fruits and Vegetables (citrus fruits included).
While +2% of fruits, vegetables and citrus were exported in amount, a loss of 11% was observed for the value of exports. This difference is more visible for vegetables (+6% in quantity and -26% in value), which represent 41 percent of total exports, behind citrus exports, despite a decline of 3 percent in quantity and 5% in value. The fruits, which account for only 17% of total exports, have taken their game by increasing both in quantity (+6%) and value (16%).
The most exported fruits were pomegranate, cherry and apple. Excellent prices were achieved for the cherry. Regarding vegetables, the tomato remains the first export product, representing over half of total exports, despite a decrease compared to 2015.
The decline in exports is mainly due to lemon, whose overseas sales were down by 31% from January to May.
Regarding importing countries, Iraq has become the first country importer with 20% of total exports, followed by Russia, 11% of Turkey's total exports, despite a fall in purchases by 79%. Romania is in 3rd place, immediately followed by Germany.
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