Latina plant tripled for San Lidano
San Lidano triples the plant of Sezze, in the province of Latina, from 4 000 to 12 000 square meters, with better technology and new 4th range lines.
To better deal with the organoleptic aspect of the products offered, the company, a renowned supplier of the Italian large distribution, has also equipped the plant with a sensory laboratory, where specific internal staff and even external people taste, sample and evaluate smell, flavour and consistency. At the supermarket, in fact, we buy the products packed in transparent bags by choosing with our eyes, and today more than even it is important that the product is good, and not only beautiful to look at. From this side, the products from Agro Pontino, an area extremely rich in fruit & veg production, have nothing to fear. The plant has also a microbiological laboratory, to monitor healthiness and hygiene.
In addition, San Lidano, reference company in Central-Southern Italy, has opened a plant in the North, in the province of Bergamo, to be able to ensure delivery to customers in any area of the peninsula within 3-4 hours maximum.
Pluses of the company are the wholly-owned agricultural production, which guarantees no lack of product, and maximized control and monitoring, and a 1st range production in the Agro Pontino area, that is around 50% of turnover. It is expected to reach 30 million euros by the end of 2012.