Colombian farmers will have free access to specific data on soils
Farmers from the Cundiboyacense highlands will be able to obtain specific data on soils for free, by utilizing Iraka, a modular soil information system, which articulates tools, methodologies and technologies currently available by the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to provide soil information.
Iraka has a geographic viewer, geographic web services, a soil quality meter for certain crops, and geographic metadata.
This system is capable of collecting information from multiple sources, organizing it in a database and saving it in different digital formats. In addition, it has cartographic products developed from digital soil mapping techniques, bundled with machine learning algorithms.
It can also evaluate the quality of soils for onion crops, as well as provide a visualization and download of data from soil samples georeferenced in various projects developed by Agrosavia in the area; and among other functions, it has geographic metadata that complies with the international standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the Colombian technical standards.
Today, Iraka has 23 maps of chemical and physical properties of the soil, thanks to machine learning algorithms.
This sets it apart from traditional soil mapping approaches of Igac or FAO, which offer maps of this area at 1: 100,000 and 1: 5,000,000 scales, respectively.
Iraka offers free information and in a simpler, but increasingly detailed way. This data is also supported by parameters such as error trend maps for each property, which allows it to evaluate its precision.