Expected increase +12% for the production of citrus of Murcia region
The local government has revised upwards its estimation of production of citrus.
The Ministry of Agriculture expects an increase of +12.1% of citrus production. For next season the region should produce 680,100 tons of citrus, an increase compared to the 606,484 tons produced in the previous season.
Lemon production will increase by 9.5% (390 000 tons), the production of oranges by +16.9% (169,400 tons), mandarin production by +24.3% (88 900 tons). Instead, grapefruit production will decrease by -6.2% (31 220 tons) due to lower surfaces.
The Murcia region is the third citrus-producing region in Spain, in 2012, the citrus of the region represented 10% of total domestic production.
source : europa press es