Corpohass: Social responsibility and sustainability are key in the production of Hass Avocado in Colombia
VU | CorpoHass
From January to September of this year, Colombia exported more than 69.000 tons of Hass Avocado to 33 international destinations, 6 of them being new markets opened since 2017 thanks to the National Government's Sanitary Diplomacy. In this way, avocado is positioned in fourth place in Colombian agricultural exports, only behind traditional products such as bananas, coffee and flowers.
Corpohass, the Corporation of Producers and Exporters of Hass Avocado of Colombia, has been one of the main actors to achieve these results. This entity has always had the objective of guiding, encouraging and promoting the cultivation and commercialization of the fruit in the domestic and global markets. Today, the corporation has more than 100 affiliates between exporters and producers that represent more than 70% of Colombian exports.
Corpohass has promoted several initiatives to generate a positive impact on the communities and families involved in each stage of the value chain.
One of them has been the creation of the ‘Hass Sustainable’ seal, which seeks to exalt producers or exporters oriented in their strategies in Social Responsibility and Sustainability. The awards for this first version will be held in Territorio Aguacate.
Other actions oriented towards sustainability carried out by the Corporation are the creation of the National Table of Exporters of Hass Avocado of Colombia, the environmental sustainability agreement signed with the Alto Magdalena Regional Autonomous Corporation (CAM), as well as with the Negro and Nare River Basin Autonomous Regional Corporation (Cornare), in order to articulate the productive activity with compliance with environmental regulations. In addition, they signed an agreement with the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (AGROSAVIA) to consolidate a sustainable and competitive production. Similarly, they signed the Environmental Agenda with the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Risaralda (CARDER), within the framework of the national policy of responsible consumption and production.
Also, Corpohass focused on developing an understanding agreement with the Colombian Association of Bio-inputs for the Transformation of Agriculture (ASOBIOCOL), to join forces and facilitate the adoption of these inputs towards a regenerative and sustainable Hass Avocado.
Finally, one of the most important achievements of Corpohass has been the creation of Territorio Aguacate. An event that was organized for the first time in 2018 and gradually became one of the most relevant events in the business of Hass Avocado in Latin America and whose third version will take place on December 2 and 3 in Medellín, at the International Center of Conventions and Exhibitions Plaza Mayor.
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