PinguinLutosa will become Greenyard Foods
Name change for PinguinLutosa that will be renamed Greenyard Foods.
On the 1st of September, the new change of name for PinguinLutosa food group that will be renamed Greenyard Foods. At the beginning, the company specialized in frozen vegetables, was called Pinguin. In 2009 with the revival of Lutosa, specializing in the processing of potatoes, the group took the name of PinguinLutosa. The recent sale of Lutosa causes a new name change.
With the name of Greenyard Foods, the company wants to focus on the processing of fruitsand vegetables (frozen, canned, ready-to-use formulations) and shows its international ambitions. Capital increase, expansion projects into new markets, redemptions of production site are in the program of Greenyard Foods.
source : retail detail be