The fresh-cut sector in Italy 2008
Thursday 22 January 2009
Italy is one of Europe's leading fresh-cut markets.
Sales of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables have been booming in recent years and are now worth some EUR 700m annually, second only to the UK in value terms.
The market for fresh-cut fruits and vegetables in Italy will be the focus of discussion at the FRESHCONEX Congress on 3 February 2009.
Italy's market leaders in fresh-cut convenience – Umberto Galassini, managing director of Bonduelle Italy, and Giuseppe Battagliola, chief executive of La Linea Verde – will be on hand to outline some of the new trends in the sector. Vanes Cantieiri, who heads up fresh produce purchasing at Coop Italia, the country's largest food retailer, will explain how fresh-cut products are leading the push into private label.