Fruit and vegetables prices have increased by 25% in 1 year
In Venezuela, prices of fruit and vegetables increased by 25.6% between June 2010 and June 2011.
According to the Center of Documentation and Analysis for workers (CENDA), the average increased by 27.2% between June 2010 and June 2011. The highest price is recorded by fruit and vegetables with an increase of 25.6%.
CENDA based its study on products most demanded by consumers: banana, guava, papaya, melon, orange, watermelon, banana, pineapple, passion fruit, lemon, beetroot, pumpkin, onion, paprika , tomato, carrot, spinach.
CENDA believes that this price increase is due to lower supply, the rains have affected crops this year and have led to a decrease of at least 20% of production.
source : simfruit, eluniversal