The producers of DEMAIN LA TERRE obtain the HVE certification, a 1st in the sector
Tuesday 29 May 2018
FJ | Demain La Terre
Created in 2004, the association DEMAIN LA TERRE brings together 12 agricultural companies. More than 150,000 tons of Fruits & Vegetables are produced according to the charter DEMAIN LA TERRE.
The association DEMAIN LA TERRE brings together today 12 agricultural fruit & vegetable companies united around the same vision of agriculture and sustainable development. A new reference, a third way between traditional agriculture and organic farming.
Producers who are members of DEMAIN LA TERRE obtained the HVE certification - High Environmental Value - Level 3 of environmental certification of farms. Obtaining this certification is the first managed in a collective framework in the fruit & vegetables sector.
The 2018 scope of this certification includes SAS Val de Sérigny (melon), SCEA Pot-au-Pin-Vegetal Planter (carrot and leek), SARL Le Jardin de Rabelais
(tomato and cherry tomato), SCEA Verger de la Blottière (apple and pear) and the Clos des Costières-Saveurs des Clos SARL (stone fruits).
DEMAIN LA TERRE has developed its own specifications aimed at providing consumers with evidence of producer commitment, focusing on three priorities: health, quality and respect for people and the environment. Its application is monitored annually by an independent body. More than 150,000 tons of Fruits & Vegetables are certified DEMAIN LA TERRE.