Vegetarian day: mercoledì veg
Monday 03 December 2012
LAV encourages people to adopt the "mercoledì veg" for a healthy and ecologically sustainable life.
Make Wednesday a day vegetarian to save the planet and eat better.
The association LAV (Lega Anti vivisezione) has launched "mercoledì veg" to give the 3rd day of the week an entirely vegetarian feel in home and in dining areas in order to save the planet and eat better.
Emphasising that replacing 1 kg of
meat with vegetable protein saves 36 kg of CO2 and at least 15,500 liters of water a week. If all the adult Italian population adopts the "mercoledì veg" CO2 reductions would amount to the equivalent of 1 billion kilometers by car and 1 billion liters of water.
The association has launched this proposal to the cities of Italy.
The association has launched this proposal to the cities of Italy.
source : la stampa, lav it